Susan Korbel for Bexar County Commissioner

Susan Korbel Campaign Logo



Our County continues to grow at an astounding rate; how can we embrace this growth and continue to provide quality services – without undue financial burden on our residents?

As County Commissioner, Susan Korbel will demand a robust regional sustainability plan for the county, which will direct future transportation, housing, commercial development, public services, parks and health care results so we can all thrive together. Absence of such unified plan is unacceptable for our fast-growing city.

We will focus on…

Susan Korbel County Commissioner


Susan will support those who protect our citizens through efficient public safety programs, and improve administration of justice through our Courts and jail with adequate funding to alleviate the overcrowded dockets and upgrade professionalism by fully funding programs such as basic peace officer certification.


Susan will lead our region with a bold, intergovernmental strategy to solve our housing shortage and skyrocketing residential assessments. Workforce housing and alternatives for seniors and veterans are especially in short supply.


Susan will oversee all Elections Department activities, and demand that we allocate the resources to meet the Department’s needs so that every voter can expect a secure and efficient voting experience. She will support increased funding to encourage bipartisan education and outreach to help voters understand their rights and voting procedures.